Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have a question? Check out our FAQs by category!

We recommend that you come by bike and park it on the Tweede Emmastraat or on the Tubantiasingel side.
Please note that you cannot park your bike in the Volkspark!
Coming by public transport?
Start and finish are within walking distance (500 m) of Enschede’s bus and train station.
Use the parking facilities at Pathmos Hall or Menzis:
- Pathmoshal: Veilingstraat 20, 7513 CZ Enschede
- Menzis: De Ruyterlaan 25, 7511 JH Enschede (parking lot behind the building, accessible via residential boulevard Schuttersveld and Hengelosestraat)
The parking area at the Volkspark is not in use.
Bicycles and cars cannot be parked here.
10:20 Koopmans Bouwgroep Double Singelloop (16 km)
10:20 Forvis Mazars Companies Run (16 km)
11:00 Menzis Singelloop (8 km)
11:00 Forvis Mazars Companies Run (8 km)
12:50 Pure Energy Kidsrun group 1 + 2
13:10 Pure Energy Kidsrun group 3 + 4
13:30 Pure Energy Kidsrun group 5 + 6
13:50 Pure Energy Kidsrun group 7 + 8
At 12:30 p.m. there will be a joint warm-up for all children from the various kid runs. The site of the warm-up is clearly marked on the event grounds on Sept. 8.
Stat and finish are in the Volkspark.
One of the most beautiful city parks in the eastern Netherlands!
5 and 10 English Mile
The course is entirely paved and runs one or two laps (5 or 10 English Mile) clockwise along the inner side of the Enschede canals: from Tubantiasingel to Boddenkampsingel, Lasondersingel, Laaressingel, Oliemolensingel, Hogelandsingel, Varviksingel, Getfertsingel, Pathmossingel and Volksparksingel.
The “false flat” makes it a treacherous course: it seems flat, but there are some slight rises and falls in it.
From the start at the Menzis arch, children run toward Loetje. They then turn left onto Park Road. Via Parkweg and Volksparksingel, these little speed demons sprint back into Volkspark where they finish after 850 m!
Traffic delays on the canals should be considered at the following locations and times:
10:00 – 12:20 a.m. Inner ring of the canals, each time the section not used or no longer used by the runners will be available.
The outer ring of the canals will be accessible at all times during this period.
Starting from the Volkspark, participants walk clockwise.
The route is as follows: Tubantiasingel, Boddenkampsingel, Lasondersingel, Laaressingel, Oliemolensingel, Hogelandsingel, Varviksingel, Getfertsingel, Pathmossingel and Volksparksingel.
12:35 – 2:30 p.m.: Volksparksingel and Parkweg (inner ring road).
Cheering can be done along the canals or in the Volkspark, for example on the stands in the Fanzone.
Along the course there is (live) music every 500 m, just like in the Volkspark!
Don’t forget your banner!
Deadlines to register Singeloop 2024:
- Menzis Singelloop (8 km): through Sept. 1.
- Koopmans Bouwgroep Double Singelloop (16 km): through Sept. 1.
- Forvis Mazars Companies Run (8 km | 16 km): through Aug. 30.
- Pure Energy Kidsrun:
-> with special schools link through Wednesday, Sept. 4, 6 p.m.
-> regular (individual) through Friday, Sept. 6, 6 p.m.
Please note: full = full. If the maximum number of registrations is reached earlier, registration will close earlier.
Am I already registered?
Not sure if you have already registered? Then go to register.com and check your registration here.
Can I post-register?
No, post-registration is unfortunately not possible.
Water and fruit stations
Along the way, you will encounter a water station every two kilometers. Only water is offered here, not sports drinks. Care stations are clearly identified by banners across the road. At each water station there are several stalls in a row.
Tip: Do not stop directly at the first table, but walk on to the second or third table and avoid a roadblock.
In the walk-out street in the Volkspark, you will receive a thirst quencher and fruit in addition to water.
Changing clothes and showering
This can be done from 09:00 – 15:00 in the Pathmoshal (Veilingstraat 20, 7513 CZ Enschede). This sports hall is located opposite the Volkspark, on the Volksparksingel side and is within walking distance of start/finish.
Ample toilet units will be placed at the start and finish in the Volkspark.
Drop off luggage
On race day, you can drop off your luggage. The site for this is clearly visible in the Volkspark. Attached to your start number is a luggage tag that matches your start number. You attach the tag to your luggage and retrieve your bag after the finish line upon presentation of your start number.
Sports massage
Sports care Eastern Netherlands provides massages at Volkspark. The massage tent is easily recognizable during Singelloop weekend.
EHBO Enschede will be present during the Singelloop. The first aid tents in the Volkspark can be identified by the first aid flags.
AEDs are provided by Twente Heart Safe. AEDs are available on the course as well as at the first aid station in the Volkspark.
On Sunday, September 8, there will be all kinds of things to do in the Volkspark!
Encourage your brother, sister, friend, colleague, niece, mother or neighbor (from the stands)! Make a cool finish video, give that well-deserved high five and cheer your lungs out. They deserved it, all those finishers!
TMC Horecazone
Just recovering after the Singelloop or from all that cheering? Fancy a (healthy) snack or drink while you wait for your family and friends to finish? You can! You can find several tasty snacks at one of the food trucks or booths in the TMC Hospitality Zone. With fine live music playing in the background, this is truly enjoyable.
Finished running? Then it’s time to play! In the Kidszone you will find bouncy castles, assault courses, a mobile climbing wall, workshops by The Music Experience and many more fun activities!
Of course, the Fit & Fun Team, FC Twente KidsClub and the YoungReds will also be there.
Just like Clown Gigi! When he starts his show it doesn’t escape you! This musical clown sings, makes balloon figures, does theatrical plays and can do magic.
In the Sportzone you get to know all kinds of Enschede associations, which present their offerings.
How about baseball and softball, mountain biking, gymnastics/turning, dance, badminton or free running?
On Sept. 8, we will publish the results on our website.
Do you have questions about your results?
If you have a question about your results or cannot find yourself, please send an email to MyLaps Event Timing.
You will receive a response as soon as possible.
In the week after the Singelloop, we will post the photos taken by our photographers on our social media channels and website.
Read the regulations of the Singelloop Enschede here.
Cheaper registration with registration link for elementary school
Through participating Enschede elementary school, children can register for €1.50. After the summer break, elementary school children will receive a flyer through participating schools that includes a special registration link and discount code. Some schools also communicate the code through their newsletter before and/or after summer vacation.
Deadline to register with schools link
Wednesday, Sept. 4 at 6 p.m. unless the maximum number of participants is reached earlier. Then registration closes earlier.
Individual registration (without registration link for elementary schools)
If you do not receive a flyer with special registration link for schools then of course you can still participate! You then enroll individually. The cost for this is €3.00.
Deadline to register individually
Friday, Sept. 6, at 6 p.m., unless the maximum number of participants is reached earlier. Then registration closes earlier.
Registered no later than Aug. 10?
If your child is registered by August 10, they will receive a starting number with their first name.
Can I post-register my child?
No, post-registration is unfortunately not possible.
10:20 Koopmans Bouwgroep Double Singelloop (16 km)
10:20 Forvis Mazars Companies Run (16 km)
11:00 Menzis Singelloop (8 km)
11:00 Forvis Mazars Companies Run (8 km)
12:50 Pure Energy Kidsrun group 1 + 2
13:10 Pure Energy Kidsrun group 3 + 4
13:30 Pure Energy Kidsrun group 5 + 6
13:50 Pure Energy Kidsrun group 7 + 8
At 12:30 p.m. there will be a joint warm-up for all children from the various kid runs. The site of the warm-up is clearly marked on the event grounds on Sept. 8.
Pick up children at the end of the walk-out lane
After the finish line, you can pick up your child(ren) at the end of the walk-out lane. This is a gated street through which all the children walk. Here they will receive their medal, water and fruit. At the end of this exit street, children can be picked up.
It is not permitted to enter the exit street to face children.
Tip: Agree with your child(ren) where you will stand to pick up your child and write down your phone number on the back of the race number just to be sure!
Registered with special link for Enschede elementary schools?
Your child(ren) will then receive their start number through school the week of the Singelloop. If your child is registered by August 10, they will also receive a starting number with their first name. Registration from Aug. 11 does not include a first name.
Enrolled individually (not through school) through Aug. 10?
Children who registered individually by August 10 (not through school) will be sent home and receive a starting number with first name. The start number will be mailed the week of the Singelloop to the address entered at registration.
Individually enrolled (not through school) on Aug. 11 or later?
Children who registered individually (not through school) on August 11 or later will receive a starting number without a first name and can pick it up during Singelloop weekend in the Volkspark:
Saturday, September 7: 1 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Sunday, September 8: 9 a.m. – 30 minutes before the start
We encourage you to come on Saturday, Sept. 7 to avoid any wait times before the start!
Of course, there will be that well-deserved and beautiful Singelloop medal waiting for all children after the finish line!
Medal engraving
When registering through August 10, you can check that you would like to have your medal engraved for an additional €7.00. A symbol is then printed on your start number, proving that you paid for this.
Didn’t indicate medal engraving at registration, but still want it on Sept. 8? No problem. You can also decide this on the spot! You will then pay €9.00 (pin or cash is both possible).
From the start at the Menzis arch, the children walk toward Loetje. They then turn left onto Park Road. Via Parkweg and Volksparksingel, these little speed demons sprint back into Volkspark where they finish after 850 m!
Where can I encourage?
Cheering can be done along Parkweg and Volksparksingel or in the Volkspark, for example on the stands in the Fanzone.
A maximum of 1 parent/guardian per child is allowed to run in the kids run for the lower grades (grades 1 + 2 and grades 3 + 4). The safety of the children is paramount; therefore, more than 1 parent/guardian is not permitted to accompany a child. So keep this in mind!
Please note: If you are running with your child from the underclass, you will take your seats in the back of the starting box. Give space to children running without a parent. They start at the front!
After the finish line, you can pick up your child(ren) at the end of the exit lane. This is a gated street through which all the children walk. Here they will receive their medal, water and fruit.
It is not permitted to enter the exit street to face children.
Tip: Agree with your child(ren) where you will stand to pick up your child and write down your phone number on the back of the race number just to be sure!
Bouncy castles, climbing wall and more
Finished running? Then it’s time to play! In the Kidszone you will find bouncy castles, assault courses, a mobile climbing wall, workshops by The Music Experience and many more fun activities!
Of course, the Fit & Fun Team, FC Twente KidsClub and the YoungReds will also be there.
Just like Clown Gigi! When he starts his show it doesn’t escape you! This musical clown sings, makes balloon figures, does theatrical plays and can do magic.
Discover a new sport!
In the Sportzone you will get to know all kinds of Enschede-based associations, who will present their offerings. For example, how about baseball and softball, mountain biking, gymnastics/turf, dance, badminton or free running?
Should you have any questions during the day or unexpectedly lose each other, please visit the Information Point. Children who have lost their parent/caregiver are advised to come here/be brought here. The exact location is clearly marked in the Volkspark. It can be identified by large banners with Information on them.
Flyers with special schools link will be distributed at Enschede elementary schools through the PE teacher. Didn’t your school receive flyers? Ask the subject teacher or principal to contact us at: [email protected].
Registration for the Menzis Singelloop (8 km) is open until Sunday, September 1. Please note: full = full. If the maximum number of registrations is reached earlier, registration will close earlier.
Am I already registered?
Not sure if you have already registered? Then go to register.com and check your registration here.
Can I post-register?
No, post-registration is unfortunately not possible.
Other deadlines sign up
- Koopmans Bouwgroep Double Singelloop: through Sept. 1
- Forvis Mazars Business Run: through Aug. 30
- Pure Energy Kidsrun:
-> with special schools link through Wednesday, Sept. 4, 6 p.m.
-> regular (individual) through Friday, Sept. 6, 6 p.m.
Please note: full = full. If the maximum number of registrations is reached earlier, registration will close earlier.
- 5 English Mile (8 km) € 17.50
- 10 English Mile (16 km) €19.50
Race runner (Athletics Union license)
- 5 English Mile (8 km) € 17.50
- 10 English Mile (16 km) €19.50
10:20 Koopmans Bouwgroep Double Singelloop (16 km)
10:20 Forvis Mazars Companies Run (16 km)
11:00 Menzis Singelloop (8 km)
11:00 Forvis Mazars Companies Run (8 km)
12:50 Pure Energy Kidsrun group 1 + 2
13:10 Pure Energy Kidsrun group 3 + 4
13:30 Pure Energy Kidsrun group 5 + 6
13:50 Pure Energy Kidsrun group 7 + 8
You can participate as a recreational or competitive runner. If you do not have a competition licensefrom the Athletics Union then you participate as a recreational runner.
Competition – Men
- Seniors
- M40
- M50
- Juniors <20 (NEW!)
Contest – Women*
- Seniors
- Juniors <20 (NEW!)
*In view of a small number of women participating in the competition, there are two categories here.
Registered no later than Aug. 10?
If you registered by Saturday, Aug. 10, you will receive your start number at home*. Your start number will be mailed the week prior to the Singelloop to the address you entered when you registered. Have you moved in the meantime? Please provide your new address information by mail in a timely manner: [email protected].
Registrations from Aug. 11
If you registered Aug. 11 or later, your start number will be waiting for you during the Singelloop weekend in the Volkspark.
Saturday, September 7: 1 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Sunday, September 8: 9 a.m. – 30 minutes before the start
We encourage you to come on Saturday, Sept. 7 to avoid any wait times before the start!
*Note: participants in the company run and kidsrun registered via the link for schools are an exception to this. Please see the Practical Information on the relevant pages for this.
When you register, you give your expected finish time. Based on this, you will be assigned to start section A, B, C, D or W (race section). The letter of your start box is printed on your start number.
The starting boxes are spacious and will be opened one at a time. We use an hourglass start, giving you space to run quickly at your own pace.
At the Menzis arch, start your favorite running course!
The course is entirely paved. You walk clockwise along the inside of Enschede’s canals: from Tubantiasingel to Boddenkampsingel, Lasondersingel, Laaressingel, Oliemolensingel, Hogelandsingel, Varviksingel, Getfertsingel, Pathmossingel and Volksparksingel.
The “false flat” makes it a treacherous course: it seems flat, but there are some slight rises and falls in it.
Water and fruit stations
Along the way, you will encounter a water station every two kilometers. Only water is offered here, not sports drinks. Care stations are clearly identified by banners across the road. At each water station there are several stalls in a row.
Tip: Do not stop directly at the first table, but walk on to the second or third table and avoid a roadblock.
In the walk-out street in the Volkspark, you will receive a thirst quencher and fruit in addition to water.
Changing clothes and showering
This can be done from 09:00 – 15:00 in the Pathmoshal (Veilingstraat 20, 7513 CZ Enschede). This sports hall is located opposite the Volkspark, on the Volksparksingel side and is within walking distance of start/finish.
Ample toilet units will be placed at the start and finish in the Volkspark.
Drop off luggage
On race day, you can drop off your luggage. The site for this is clearly visible in the Volkspark. Attached to your start number is a luggage tag that matches your start number. You attach the tag to your luggage and retrieve your bag after the finish line upon presentation of your start number.
Sports massage
Sports care Eastern Netherlands provides massages at Volkspark. The massage tent is easily recognizable during Singelloop weekend.
EHBO Enschede will be present during the Singelloop. The first aid tents in the Volkspark can be identified by the first aid flags.
AEDs are provided by Twente Heart Safe. AEDs are available on the course as well as at the first aid station in the Volkspark.
Your race number includes a chip for electronic timekeeping. Be sure to attach your start number to your chest, not your back.
Your finishing time is based on your net time: timekeeping starts the moment you cross the starting line and stops when you cross the finish line.
You can find the results the same day on our website, at www.uitslagen.nl and via the MyLaps results page.
Of course, after the finish you will receive that well-deserved and beautiful Singelloop medal!
Medal engraving
When registering through August 10, you can check that you would like to have your medal engraved for an additional €7.00. A symbol is then printed on your start number, proving that you paid for this.
Didn’t indicate medal engraving at registration, but still want it on Sept. 8? No problem. You can also decide this on the spot! You will then pay €9.00 (pin or cash is both possible).
Registration for the Koopmans Bouwgroep Dubbele Singelloop (16 km) is possible until Sunday, September 1. Please note: full = full. If the maximum number of registrations is reached earlier, registration will close earlier.
Am I already registered?
Not sure if you have already registered? Then go to register.com and check your registration here.
Can I post-register?
No, post-registration is unfortunately not possible.
Other deadlines sign up
- Menzis Singelloop: through Sept. 1
- Forvis Mazars Business Run: through Aug. 30
- Pure Energy Kidsrun:
-> with special schools link through Wednesday, Sept. 4, 6 p.m.
-> regular (individual) through Friday, Sept. 6, 6 p.m.
Please note: full = full. If the maximum number of registrations is reached earlier, registration will close earlier.
- 5 English Mile (8 km) € 17.50
- 10 English Mile (16 km) €19.50
Race runner (Athletics Union license)
- 5 English Mile (8 km) € 17.50
- 10 English Mile (16 km) €19.50
10:20 Koopmans Double Singelloop (16 km)
10:20 Forvis Mazars Companies Run (16 km)
11:00 Menzis Singelloop (8 km)
11:00 Forvis Mazars Companies Run (8 km)
12:50 Pure Energy Kidsrun group 1 + 2
13:10 Pure Energy Kidsrun group 3 + 4
13:30 Pure Energy Kidsrun group 5 + 6
13:50 Pure Energy Kidsrun group 7 + 8
You can participate as a recreational or competitive runner. If you do not have a competition licensefrom the Athletics Union then you participate as a recreational runner.
Competition – Men
- Number 1, 2 and 3
Contest – Women
- Number 1, 2 and 3
Registered no later than Aug. 10?
If you registered by Saturday, Aug. 10, you will receive your start number at home*. Your start number will be mailed the week prior to the Singelloop to the address you entered when you registered. Have you moved in the meantime? Please provide your new address information by mail in a timely manner: [email protected].
Registrations from Aug. 11
If you registered Aug. 11 or later, your start number will be waiting for you during the Singelloop weekend in the Volkspark.
Saturday, September 7: 1 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Sunday, September 8: 9 a.m. – 30 minutes before the start
We encourage you to come on Saturday, Sept. 7 to avoid any wait times before the start!
*Note: participants in the company run and kidsrun registered via the link for schools are an exception to this. Please see the Practical Information on the relevant pages for this.
When you register, you give your expected finish time. Based on this, you will be assigned to start section A, B, C, D or W (race section). The letter of your start box is printed on your start number.
The starting boxes are spacious and will be opened one at a time. We use an hourglass start, giving you space to run quickly at your own pace.
At the Menzis arch, start your favorite running course!
The course is entirely paved. You walk clockwise two laps along the inner side of Enschede’s canals: from Tubantiasingel to Boddenkampsingel, Lasondersingel, Laaressingel, Oliemolensingel, Hogelandsingel, Varviksingel, Getfertsingel, Pathmossingel and Volksparksingel.
The “false flat” makes it a treacherous course: it seems flat, but there are some slight rises and falls in it.
Water and fruit stations
Along the way, you will encounter a water station every two kilometers. Only water is offered here, not sports drinks. Care stations are clearly identified by banners across the road. At each water station there are several stalls in a row.
Tip: Do not stop directly at the first table, but walk on to the second or third table and avoid a roadblock.
In the walk-out street in the Volkspark, you will receive a thirst quencher and fruit in addition to water.
Changing clothes and showering
This can be done from 09:00 – 15:00 in the Pathmoshal (Veilingstraat 20, 7513 CZ Enschede). This sports hall is located opposite the Volkspark, on the Volksparksingel side and is within walking distance of start/finish.
Ample toilet units will be placed at the start and finish in the Volkspark.
Drop off luggage
On race day, you can drop off your luggage. The site for this is clearly visible in the Volkspark. Attached to your start number is a luggage tag that matches your start number. You attach the tag to your luggage and retrieve your bag after the finish line upon presentation of your start number.
Sports massage
Sports care Eastern Netherlands provides massages at Volkspark. The massage tent is easily recognizable during Singelloop weekend.
EHBO Enschede will be present during the Singelloop. The first aid tents in the Volkspark can be identified by the first aid flags.
AEDs are provided by Twente Heart Safe. AEDs are available on the course as well as at the first aid station in the Volkspark.
Your race number includes a chip for electronic timekeeping. Be sure to attach your start number to your chest, not your back.
Your finishing time is based on your net time: timekeeping starts the moment you cross the starting line and stops when you cross the finish line.
You can find the results the same day on our website, at www.uitslagen.nl and via the MyLaps results page.
Of course, after the finish you will receive that well-deserved and beautiful Singelloop medal!
Medal engraving
When registering through August 10, you can check that you would like to have your medal engraved for an additional €7.00. A symbol is then printed on your start number, proving that you paid for this.
Didn’t indicate medal engraving at registration, but still want it on Sept. 8? No problem. You can also decide this on the spot! You will then pay €9.00 (pin or cash is both possible).
Registration for the Forvis Mazars Business Run is available through Friday, Aug. 30. Please note that full = full. If the maximum number of registrations is reached earlier, registration will close earlier.
After registering, you will receive confirmation and a personal code for your corporate team account by email. After activating your account, enter the remaining details of your team(s). You do this no later than Friday, Aug. 30; after Aug. 30, you cannot make changes yourself.
If you would like to make changes after August 30, please email [email protected]
Starting number with first name?
If you have entered the names of your runners by Saturday, Aug. 10, they will receive a starting number with first name.
Competitive runners with license Athletics Union
Do you have a competitive license and want to be included in the individual final ranking as well? Please register with your team and mail your license number and chosen distance as soon as possible to [email protected].
Race runners start in a special race section at the front.
Is post-registration possible?
No, post-registration is unfortunately not possible.
€ 269 for the first team
€ 199 for the second team
€ 159 from the third team onwards
The above amounts do not include VAT.
- Start number with first name (when registering before Aug. 16)
- Time registration chip on start number
- Medal
- Medal engraving for each team member
- Company logo on company run page + link to your company website
- Results in Forvis Mazars Company Run Ranking
- Great prizes for the three fastest teams
- Business team photo (digital) by organization
- Corporate team and sponsorship event
- Eternal fame
- Not to mention a really fun team-building activity, proud colleagues and the positive effect that achieving joint sporting achievements has!
- Corporate run package (after-dinner drinks with your team in the sponsorship and invitation tent). Cost: €19.50 p.p. (excluding VAT). Participating companies will receive an invitation to do so. Pre-registration for the package is required.
- Free corporate training (up to 8 people) offered by Team LDPT Personal Training (offer valid through Jan. 31, 2025).
10:20 Koopmans Bouwgroep Double Singelloop (16 km)
10:20 Forvis Mazars Companies Run (16 km)
11:00 Menzis Singelloop (8 km)
11:00 Forvis Mazars Companies Run (8 km)
12:50 Pure Energy Kidsrun group 1 + 2
13:10 Pure Energy Kidsrun group 3 + 4
13:30 Pure Energy Kidsrun group 5 + 6
13:50 Pure Energy Kidsrun group 7 + 8
You can participate with one or more teams: a team consists of a minimum of three and a maximum of five runners, employed by/affiliated with your company. One guest runner, who is not an employee of/affiliated with your company, is allowed per company team.
The net finishing times of the three fastest runners per team will count toward the final standings.
The coordinator of your company team(s) will receive information in the week prior to the Singelloop about where and when your start numbers with pins can be picked up (for all your teams at once).
So you will receive your start number through the person who registered your team(s).
Your race number includes a chip for electronic timekeeping. Be sure to attach your start number to your chest, not your back.
Your finishing time will be based on your net time: timekeeping starts the moment you cross the starting line and stops when you cross the finish line.
The net finishing times of the three fastest runners per team will count toward the final standings.
You can find the results the same day on our website, at www.uitslagen.nl and via the MyLaps results page.
As a participant in the company run, you will start from a special starting area for company teams. The letter of your start box is printed on your start number.
The starting boxes are spacious and will be opened one at a time. We use an hourglass start, giving you space to run quickly at your own pace.
At the Menzis arch, start your favorite running course!
Of course, every finisher will receive that well-deserved and beautiful Singelloop medal!
Medal engraving
Included with participation in the Forvis Mazars Company Run is having your medal engraved with your name + finishing time. A symbol is printed on your start number, proving that engraving is included.
The course is entirely paved. You run clockwise (two laps in the case of the 10 English Mile/16 km) on the inside of Enschede’s canals: from Tubantiasingel to Boddenkampsingel, Lasondersingel, Laaressingel, Oliemolensingel, Hogelandsingel, Varviksingel, Getfertsingel, Pathmossingel and Volksparksingel.
The “false flat” makes it a treacherous course: it seems flat, but there are some slight rises and falls in it.
Do you have a race license and want to be included in the individual final standings? Register with your team and mail your license number and distance as soon as possible to [email protected].
Race runners start in a special race section at the front.
Looking for custom corporate shirts or a certified running coach for a corporate clinic? We are happy to put you in touch with our shirt supplier and/or clinic trainers specifically for companies! To do so, send an email to [email protected].
Water and fruit stations
Along the way, you will encounter a water station every two kilometers. Only water is offered here, not sports drinks. Care stations are clearly identified by banners across the road. At each water station there are several stalls in a row.
Tip: Do not stop directly at the first table, but walk on to the second or third table and avoid a roadblock.
In the walk-out street in the Volkspark, you will receive a thirst quencher and fruit in addition to water.
Changing clothes and showering
This can be done from 09:00 – 15:00 in the Pathmoshal (Veilingstraat 20, 7513 CZ Enschede). This sports hall is located opposite the Volkspark, on the Volksparksingel side and is within walking distance of start/finish.
Ample toilet units will be placed at the start and finish in the Volkspark.
Drop off luggage
On race day, you can drop off your luggage. The site for this is clearly visible in the Volkspark. Attached to your start number is a luggage tag that matches your start number. You attach the tag to your luggage and retrieve your bag after the finish line upon presentation of your start number.
Sports massage
Sports care Eastern Netherlands provides massages at Volkspark. The massage tent is easily recognizable during Singelloop weekend.
EHBO Enschede will be present during the Singelloop. The first aid tents in the Volkspark can be identified by the first aid flags.
AEDs are provided by Twente Heart Safe. AEDs are available on the course as well as at the first aid station in the Volkspark.